The Independent Pharmacy


Owner of Pharmacy: ABSM Healthcare Ltd (Company Reg: 08515600).

Address of Pharmacy: The Independent Pharmacy, Unit 3 Heston House, 7-9 Emery Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5PF.

Date Patient Survey Completed: 01/03/2021.

Top areas of performance

'Service from the pharmacist' - 100% of respondents happy with service

'Providing advice for leading a more healthy lifestyle' - 100% of respondents happy with service

'Overall feedback for staff, pharmacist, & pharmacy' - 100% of respondents happy with service

'Being able to speak to the pharmacist' - 100% of respondents happy with service

'Providing an efficient service' - 98% of respondents happy with service

Areas in greatest need for improvement

'Have you ever been given advice on stopping smoking' - No (8%)

'Have you ever been given advice on physical exercise' - No (8%)

'Providing advice on health services or information available elsewhere' - No (8%)

Action taken - There has been a great improvement in health promotion since our CPPQ in 2020. We have added a blog to our website with healthy living advice, started email campaigns to those who opt-in with healthy living advice, and have also included healthy living advice and signposting in our customer support emails and dispatch notifications. We have also improved our signposting page and featured it more prominently on our homepage. We will continue to try and improve our healthy living and signposting so all of our patients can access these services.

Pharmacy response to respondent's additional comments

Age range of respondents

16 - 19: 0%

20 - 24: 15%

25 - 34: 24%

35 - 44: 11%

45 - 54: 18%

55 - 64: 15%

65+ : 17%

Profile of respondents

This is the pharmacy that the respondent chooses to visit if possible: 90%

This is one of several pharmacies that the respondent uses: 5%

This pharmacy was just convenient on the day for the respondent: 5%.

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