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We stock over 1101 treatments for 90 conditions
The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor Patient Guide
0333 0022 519
14 - 16 Dixon Road
The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service is managed by: Red Label Medical Ltd (Reg. No. 08676338)
Medicines dispensed by: ABSM Healthcare Ltd (Reg. No. 08515600)
All content contained on is owned and maintained by ABSM Healthcare Ltd, who are responsible for all content contained on the website.
Summary of Statement of Purpose
Red Label Medical Ltd provide an Online Doctor service available at, where we provide confidential private consultations, healthcare advice and medical prescribing for the conditions seen on the Online Doctor homepage.
Terms and Conditions
Patients of The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor are self-referred through the website. We provide a private healthcare service that incurs a charge for our patients. Our fees are all clearly displayed on the website.
We do not provide consultations or prescribe for anyone under the age of 18 years old (except for malaria tablets - 16 years and over). If a patient is unable to complete the online consultation himself or herself, for whatever reason, we are unable to provide any treatments through our Online Doctor service and suggest that they visit their GP for treatment. Patients using The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service must be UK residents.
The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service offers our patients private consultations and prescribing of some prescription only medicines in accordance with the patient’s preferences and wishes subject to a strict medical assessment by a qualified GP or Pharmacist Independent Prescriber. Patients will be able to fill out a confidential, comprehensive medical questionnaire and select a preferred treatment for submission to a prescriber. This is carefully assessed by one of our prescribers to assess the suitability. If the prescriber makes a diagnosis and deems the preferred medicine suitable a private prescription will be produced. All relevant information on the conditions and medicines will be available on the website and will be enclosed with the medicines when they are couriered to the patient.
A full set of our terms and conditions can be seen on our website:
Contact with the prescriber
The confidential consultation will be assessed by either a General Medical Council (GMC) registered doctor or a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber. If the prescriber requires further information from you following your consultation, they will contact you via your online account. This allows you to communicate over a secure network where you can be sure your information will remain confidential. If the prescriber wishes to communicate via your online account you will receive an email notification.
Payment for all medicines should be made following your consultation. Payment must be made on the website using a major credit or debit card. All payments and details are protected with 128-bit encryption.
Care Quality Commission Registration
As a provider of an independent healthcare service The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service (Red Label Medical Ltd) is required by law to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. This ensures that the quality of care we provide meets national standards and our patients are safeguarded. As a result of our registration, the CQC carry out a formal assessment of The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service (Red Label Medical Ltd). To see our registration status or a copy of our latest report you can click the CQC link on any of our Online Doctor pages or visit
There may be, on occasion, a time where a patient wishes to comment or complain about the service they have received from The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service (Red Label Medical Ltd). We welcome all feedback about our service and will strive to resolve any negative experience our customers have experienced. Should you wish to contact us to comment or complain please contact Scott McDougall, Director and Registered Manager on 0333 0022 519 or by email through the ‘Contact Us’ section on our website. Alternatively please send your correspondence to Mr Scott McDougall, The Independent Pharmacy, 14 - 16 Dixon Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5QW. You will always receive a reply within 7 days.
Alternatively you may contact the CQC with feedback on our service. This can be done at or by telephone on 03000 616161. Alternatively you can contact them in writing at Care Quality Commission, National Correspondance, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcaste upon Tyne, NE1 4PA.
Patient Feedback
The Independent Pharmacy Online Doctor service (Red Label Medical Ltd) looks to obtain feedback on the quality of our service and patient satisfaction after every consultation. You will receive an email every time you receive a treatment from our Online Doctor service to give you the chance to offer feedback or ask questions. We produce an annual written report detailing the results of our Patient Satisfaction Survey. The latest copy is available to access on our website,
Find out more about how our online pharmacy works here.
Privacy policy
Protecting the privacy of our customers is very important at The Independent Pharmacy. In order to provide you with the best possible service we collect and store information about you and the services that you have used. To ensure that we treat your data in the proper manner we are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 (Reg no. ZA030687).
You can see our full Privacy & Security policy here:
We stock over 1101 treatments for 90 conditions