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A very small amount of people have reported that some foods taste slightly different than they used to. We do not know why this happens and more studies are ongoing.
Some people have found that trying new foods or food with strong flavours can help. Though if you are concerned about this please contact us directly.
As the medication works on your gut side effects that relate to the stomach are to be expected. These are generally mild and should go away as your body gets used to the medication.
Eat smaller meals and avoid anything spicy or strongly flavoured.
Semaglutide slows down your gut so the gas we normally produce may hang around for longer creating more issues as it comes out.
Thankfully these side effects are mild and return to normal as your body adapts to the new medication. If these are especially problematic we have a range of treatments that we can recommend to help you.
Unfortunately, this is the most common side effect of this medication. Sometimes you may vomit and other times you may just have a feeling of wanting to be sick. These effects do pass as you become accustomed to the medication. Equally the slow dose increase helps to reduce the chance of these symptoms from occurring.
For most people, there are some simple changes and self-care that can help such as:
If the sickness or nausea is becoming unbearable please contact us as we have a range of treatments that we can provide for you to alleviate these unpleasant effects.
A few patients have reported that they’ve experienced this early in their weight loss journey. It can often be made worse if you become dehydrated.
Lie down until the dizziness passes, then slowly get up, moving carefully. Ensure that you avoid driving or operating machinery if you feel like this.
Feelings of tiredness or fatigue are usually a result of other effects of the medications such as reduced energy intake or vomiting and dehydration.
Resting and taking time to adjust to the new changes in your lifestyle can help. It is always good advice to stay hydrated and not exert yourself too much.
These are usually caused by dehydration and they often pass quickly.
If the headaches persist please contact our medical team for more advice.
Rest and try not to over-exert yourself. Maintain a good fluid intake. You can take paracetamol as required.
There can be many reasons for feeling like this, especially as you go through changes in your diet, and while your body adjusts to Wegovy. These are usually short-lived and resolve quickly.
However, if these are severe or do not go away they could be the signs of something more serious and you must contact your doctor or call 999 immediately.
Small meals can help as can eating a bland diet. We can also recommend some simple over-the-counter treatments that can be taken to help.
Most of the side effects we’ve talked about are minor and do pass as your body gets used to taking Wegovy, and the majority of people can take this medication without issue.
To reduce any side effects to a minimum, the titration plan takes you from a low dose to a maintenance dose very gradually.
If you need more information or just want to ask for support and advice our friendly and helpful medical team is available to speak to Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm - contact us by phone or email.
As with all medications, a small number of patients may experience very severe side effects. If these do happen you must contact a doctor for medical assistance immediately.
We stock over 1101 treatments for 90 conditions